So we didn't get nearly as much done as I had hoped to this week, but I think all in all we got off to a good start on our trailer renovation. For this post I'm just going to post pictures and a few comments to show you how the week went.

This site is about our adventures in finding a place to live in the Ithaca, NY area. From buying land to buying and moding a trailer to eventually about building a house, greenhouses and whatever else comes up.
So we didn't get nearly as much done as I had hoped to this week, but I think all in all we got off to a good start on our trailer renovation. For this post I'm just going to post pictures and a few comments to show you how the week went.
It's 6:30 am on monday morning. I am tired. I am guessing now that there won't be alot of pictures with my posts this week, because by the end of the day I am exhausted. Anyway, we are about on schedule after this weekend. We got all of the walls out that we planned on, and the bathroom tub and toilet out. We also got all of the bathroom floor torn out. Which was pretty easy considering it almost all just crumbled in our hands. Then we made a 3 hour trip to Lowes and got alomst everything that we are going to need to finish up.
Things I learned this weekend.